List of equipment used to conduct HV tests on Eskom Transformers at Power stations, Transmission stations and Distribution stations. Also large Municipalities and the private sector.
List of Equipment
- Fluke 5 KV meggar insulation tester. Model 1550C.
- Doble Tan Delta. Model M4100
- Doble S.F.R.A. Model M5200.
- Meggar Polarization Index insulation tester. Model MIT1025.
- Raytech Transformer turns ratio tester model TR-SPY
- Raytech DC Winding Resistance tester model WR50-12
- Omicron CT Analyzer advanced package .
- Kinghams 1000 Amp primary injection tests.
- Bauer secondary current injection tests.
Available Tests
- 5/10 KV Meggar tests.
- HV/MV/LV Impedance tests. ( Copper losses ).
- HV/MV/LV Magnetization tests. ( Iron Losses ).
- Full winding Ratio tests. ( All Taps ).
- Polarity Tests. ( Vector ).
- Bushing Tan Delta / Capacitance tests.
- Trfr Winding Tan Delta / Capacitance tests.
- Zero Phase Sequence Tests.
- Polarization Index Tests.
- S.F.R.A. tests. ( Sweep Frequency Response Analysis )
- Tapchanger Divertor Continuity Tests.
- Winding DC. Resistance tests.
- CT tests.
- Protection cold and final commissioning tests.
We provide 24/7 breakdown services
Turnkey maintenance on Transformers Testing
High Voltage Testing Contact Information
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